Meet the Team!

David Kay is a Senior and the Programming Captain of our team. His past robotics experiences include FLL in 2012, FTC in 2013, 2014, and 2015; this is his second year on 5454 Wildfire. David enjoys programming the most when his code compiles with no errors. He is planning on attending community collage and being a programming mentor next year.

Kimberly Kay is a Junior member of the team. She also is the team captain. Her past robotics experiences include FLL in 2012, and 2013; FTC in 2013, 2014 and 2015; and this is her second year on 5454 Wildfire. Kimberly enjoys participating in every aspect of FRC, but says her favorite thing is going to competitions.

Daniel Sanchez-Trujilo is a Junior member of the team. He is also the Engineering Captain. His past robotics experiences include FTC in 204 and 2015. This is his second year of being on 5454 Wildfire. Daniel enjoys figuring things out and CADing. His favorite thing about FRC is all the real like engineering exposure he is receiving.

Joshua Kay is a Sophomore member of the team. He is also the Assistant Engineering Captain. His past robotics experiences include FLL in 2012,2013,2014,and 2015, FTC in 2014, and 2015 and this is his second year on the FRC Team. Joshua enjoys using heavy machinery. His favorite thing about FRC is driving the robot.

Valerie Kay is Freshman member of the team and is also the Scouting Captain. Her past experiences include FLL in 2013,2014, and 2015. This is her first year to be on the FRC and FTC team . She likes to help with wire, being on the build team, and scouting at competitions.

Marcos Sanchez a 8th grade member of the team and is the Safety Captain of our team. He is also on the programming team and build team. His past experiences include FLL in 2014 and 2015. This is his second year being on the FRC team, as well as FTC. His favorite thing about FRC is doing things as a team.

Austin Bounsavy is a 8th grade team member of the team and is on the programming team. His past robotics experiences include FLL in 2014, and 2015; FTC in 2015; and this is his first year in FRC. His favorite thing about being on the team is being around all the people on the team and learning how to program.

Nathan Palmer is a 8th grade member of our team who is on the build team. His previous robotics experiences include FLL in 2013, 2014, and 2015; FTC in 2015 and FRC this year. His favorite thing about being on the team is building stuff.

Destiny Tate is a 8th grade member of our team who is the team photographer as well as on the build and business team. Her robotics experience includes FLL in 2015, FTC in 2015, and FRC this year. Her favorite thing about robotics is everything she is learning.