Wildfire is actively working to spread the name of FIRST to students around Northwest Arkansas.
- We helped with the Ozark STEM launch and demonstrated first and one of our members talked at the event.
- At Ozark STEM’s Stemposium we helped set up and tear down the event as well helping kids build EV3 robots
- We helped host the Hour of Code event which taught basic coding to the attendees and led a booth about FIRST
- At the 2014 Arkansas FRC Championship several of our members volunteered
- We helped set up the 214 FRC Mountain Brawl and also volunteered for Field Crew
- We hosted a National Youth Science Day: Rockets to the Rescue which showed basic engineering and STEM to 300+ attendees
- At Amazuem’s Tinkerfest we helped set up the event
- We led a workshop at Walmart’s ISD STEM Accelerator day
- We introduced FIRST to Cooper 4H and their new FLL team
- We led several workshops which taught CAD, programing and engineering at Benton Counties 4H Super Saturday
- Amezuem Tinker fest had a booth
- Conducted National Youth Science Day
- Robot Night at the Ballpark
- We Volunteered at Razorback Invitational FLL International Tournament
- Planned, and Conducted FLL Qualifier
- Had a booth at Ozark STEM Stemposium